Ziyo News: Newsletter August 2023

Remembering the true cost of employees is crucial for non-profit organisations as their most valuable resource is their people, who drive the services and objectives. As employee costs may be challenged by funders, it’s vital to fully reflect and support these costs in budgets, especially when considering new positions. Understanding “full cost recovery” is key […]

Investment Of Reserves Policy

Having been committed, for more than 25 years, to assisting non-profit organisations in their quest to become more financially healthy and sustainable, Ziyo has previously stressed the importance of a reserves policy. Such a policy frames the strategic financial objective of building reserves which can both protect NPO’s from temporary cash flow crises and provide […]

Investment Of Reserves Policy

Having been committed, for more than 25 years, to assisting non-profit organisations in their quest to become more financially healthy and sustainable, Ziyo has previously stressed the importance of a reserves policy. Such a policy frames the strategic financial objective of building reserves which can both protect NPO’s from temporary cash flow crises and provide […]