Accountants with heart

Specialists to the non-profit sector

Top Tips for NPOs

TOP Tax Myths presentation at #ThinkGood2019
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Top 10 tips for NPO Start Ups
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Top tips for preparing proposal budgets
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Top 10 tips for keeping comprehensive financial records for NPOs
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King IV principles and examples of leading practices for non-profit organisations
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TOP 5 Tax Myths & Financial Reporting Obligations for non-profit entities
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Generic Manuals

A successful non profit organisation needs to be governed by clear policies and procedures. These need to be written down in a reference guide or manual, and every employee must understand and adhere to them. A manual helps your organisation to:

  • Formally record the policies you adopt as an organisation.
  • Provide a clear and comprehensive guide to those policies, together with the procedures your organisation has approved to implement those policies.
  • Create a clear, protective environment for staff and other stakeholders.
  • Build the confidence of funders and other stakeholders in the management of the organisation.

Generic Finance Policies and Procedures Manual

Based on more than 20 years of experience working with non profits, Ziyo has compiled a generic manual which we can provide in electronic format.

The Ziyo Finance Manual includes generic policies and procedures based on good practice that identify policies, responsibility and procedures.  The generic manual can be adapted in-house or with the support of Ziyo. 

The cost of the electronic generic finance manual is R3,250 including VAT.

Contact if you require more information on contents or would like to place an order.

Ziyo can also help update existing finance manuals.

Financial accountability for non-profits training video series

Presented by Cathy Masters CA (SA) (founder of CMDS). A collaboration between Ziyo and the Connect Network.

Does your organisation need a value for money option to gain important sector financial management skills? Then these video series are an excellent investment.

INVESTMENT: R385 (including VAT) per video series.

Contact if you require more information on contents or would like to place an order.

Session l: Top Tax Myths

  1. Tax Myth 1: Tax and non-profits – PBO benefits
  2. Tax Myth 2: PBO conditions and obligations
  3. Tax Myth 3: Section 18A conditions and obligations
  4. Tax Myth 4: Trading and PBOs
  5. Tax Myth 5: VAT and non-profits
  6. Tax Myth 6: Employment taxes

Session 2: Financial Reporting Obligations

  1. Financial reporting obligations Part 1
  2. FinanciaI reporting obIigation Part 2
  3. Annual financial statements
  4. Roles of auditors and accounting officers
  5. Governance and financial reporting
  6. Understanding financial reports for management purposes.

Session 3: Financial Sustainability Strategies and Tools

  1. Strategies for financial sustainability
  2. Diversifying and expanding income sources
  3. Tips for building reserves
  4. Financial discipline and protecting reserves

Session 4: Budgeting

  1. Budgeting Processes and Methods Part 1
  2. Budgeting Processes and Methods Part 2
  3. Activity-based Budgeting
  4. Budget Formats
  5. Full Costing for Funding Budgets
  6. Cashflow Management and Forecasting Part 1
  7. Cashflow Management and Forecasting Part 2
  8. Budget Revisions and Scenarios

Newsletters and Presentations

Financial risks for NPOs

Financial risks for NPOs Every organisation faces uncertainty around future events that could threaten its ability to accomplish its mission and vision. Every organisation must

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